Top 10 Hottest Songs Of The Week PAL


Wouldn’t it be cool to have a way to pull the most played songs of the week, the month or even the year and play them in reverse order like a countdown!

Well, here is my personal Top Ten Most Played Songs Of The Week PAL Script!

It gathers all ten songs from the database and plays them in reverse order based on the number of spins for the week.

But that’s not all!

It plays your pre-recorded station drops or fill ins to give the show more of a live feeling when you can’t be there to speak between songs!

It plays a “Countdown Number” just before the next song to let you know what level the next song made it to!

At the end of the show it plays your pre-recorded closing audio to thank listeners for tuning in and when to be back!

Plus! I’m including my number drops that play between each song too!

To top it off, this PAL script can be adjusted to play more than 10 songs and or it can look back to more than 7 days! How about 30 days! ….. or even 365 Days!

You could do a end of the year count down!


Requires Sam Broadcaster Pro 3.5 or higher running MYSQL




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