RadioDJ Data Grabber Setup
RadioDJ web export is a function of the program to send song metadata to a PHP file to be used on your website.
Radio Imaging, Pal Scripts & More!
RadioDJ web export is a function of the program to send song metadata to a PHP file to be used on your website.
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Hi, I already wrote it on Youtube.
First in the download file ite Pictures folder is wrong spelled, I noticed this, because he did not show the images, in the PHP file it’s correct, the folder name is wrong.
Second, if there is nocover, he does not shows the nocover image, i could not find the problem here.
Third, after I set this “POST” in Radio DJ and I connect with Winamp to my stream, the title and artist are now shown with “%20” in the names. This was not before.
Last issue solved, I had to delete an entry in Radiodj where in Metadata export stand the Template file, when this is empty, it works